Monday 3 October 2011

6 weeks in.........

So,  we are now in our sixth week of the degree course, the past 5 weeks have been really intense, in a good way.  Weeks one, two and three were really challenging physically and emotionally. This hasn't changed but I feel that my technique is coming together slowly but surely and I am understanding and learning more about myself each day.

It is good to put yourself out of your comfort zone (especially if you have been doing the same style of dance and dance classes for over ten years),  I come into class every day excited about learning new things and challenging my mind and body, where as, I used to be scared to do class with a tutor I didn't know.

This is going to be the year for going for it, putting myself out there, getting as much experience, learning as much as I can and dancing as hard as my body will allow........... Watch out guys